Planning For Your Restaurant’s Interior: Choosing Upholstery Fabric for Restaurant Furniture

Choosing furniture for your home allows you to maximize your creative liberty. Each room can offer a different setting, letting you enjoy your private spaces while reflecting your character. Choosing upholstery fabric for restaurant furniture is another thing. Primarily, you’re not just thinking for yourself but for the image you’re trying to project.

Two things make a good dining atmosphere: concept and comfort. One thing that speaks of both factors is your restaurant’s furniture. These objects significantly affect your interior’s feel and make. Your customers sit, rest, and bump on these objects, and you want your furniture to be comfortable and space-friendly.

If you’re wondering how to select your restaurant upholstery fabric and furniture, we share a handful of essential tips below:

Choose Chairs Appropriately

Chairs are among the main displays in your restaurant furniture arsenal. Bigger booths look cozy but bulky. Smaller wooden stools invite more space but are less comfortable than the couches. Bar stools are fun, versatile, and youthful. Lounges offer a laidback atmosphere, making your interiors appear luxurious.

However, choose your chairs based on the restaurant’s operations, not on style and concept. Ask yourself these questions: Who are your customers? Do they come in groups? How long do you want them to stay?

For cafes, it’s essential to have ample booth seating. You aim for groups to lounge inside the area and stay for your offerings. For dining spaces, choosing loose dining stools offers a lighter atmosphere and gives way for many seating. Taller stools are perfect for dining spaces with young guests constantly on the go.

Determining what kind of dining experience you want to embody will help you pick the right furniture for the place.


Consider the Make and the Materials

When choosing stools, you want the seating area to be comfortably upholstered. Choose chairs with stretchers between the legs, which support the joints and strengthen the furniture. You also want to pick out chairs made of thick, durable materials to last longer.

When choosing booths and fully upholstered chairs, it is crucial to pick textiles that can last a long time. We recommend leather and vinyl, popular for restaurant furniture because of its durability and ease of maintenance. Treated fabrics such as Crypton-based textiles offer pattern and texture varieties and can stand harsh cleaners.

Also, remember that lighter fabrics help make the setting appear brighter, but these show up dirt and stains faster. If you choose brightly colored textiles, ensure they are made of a wipe-clean material.

Think of Long-Term Use

Whatever type of restaurant furniture you choose, we invite you to select the ones that will last you a long time.

While virtually nothing lasts forever, you can always refurbish old and worn-out furniture and turn them into new. Upholstered chairs offer more chances of reviving than any other kind because you can breathe new life into the furniture by re-upholstering it. As long as its structure is durable and intact, you can change the chair’s inlet and cover it many times to make it as good as new.

1 thought on “Planning For Your Restaurant’s Interior: Choosing Upholstery Fabric for Restaurant Furniture”

  1. Which upholstery is suitable for chairs in the restaurant Leather or Fabric , as in interior and exterior decor is Challenging too me.


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