Need some extra storage with an upcycling twist? The DIY storage ottoman above is a project from the blog Arts and Classy. And it’s actually made from an old tire.
The base of the DIY storage ottoman consists of the tire, of course, and some plywood for a base and lid. Three matching sofa legs sit under the ottoman. Batting and foam sit under the fabric to give the ottoman a smooth look. There’s also a rope layer at the bottom of the ottoman. The blogger used spray adhesive, a few thumbtacks, and a crown stapler to secure the fabric around the tire and plywood.
Looking for an ottoman with a similar aesthetic? Whether you plan to make it out of a tire or are just looking to reupholster a regular ottoman, you can see some of our pink patterns that are similar to the ottoman above. You can also see all of our pink selections here.
Make This DIY Storage Ottoman
This DIY storage ottoman is easier to make than you think! But what if you don’t have the right fabric? Kovi Fabrics has many upholstery colors and patterns for you to choose from. We offer these fun patterns, plus more to fit your aesthetic. Our fabric is high quality and always available at mill prices.
Shop our fabric on sale!