How to Measure and Reupholster: Kitchen and Dining Room Chairs

dining room chair

Measurements are simple with chairs that only have fabric on the seat, but some kitchen and dining room chairs have fabric everywhere except the legs, and that can be more difficult. It’s important to make sure you have enough fabric to fully cover your chairs. With the right measurements, recovering the chairs in your kitchen or dining room can be a simple project.

How to: Measure Sectional Sofas

how to measure a sectional

Reupholstering a sectional sofa is an ambitious project. But buying a new sectional sofa is often an expensive affair — and an old sectional with good bones is worthy of a facelift. Reupholstering rather than replacing a sectional can make it possible for you to keep a sofa that works well with your space, while updating and customizing the fabric to fit your decor.

Measuring Upholstery 101 (Part 1): How to Get Chair Measurements

chair measurements

Are you thinking of reupholstering your favorite chair? Reupholstering your chair is a good decision. For one, you are reusing an item of sentimental worth and giving it a new, fresh design with the help of newer patterns and better fabrics. But a common fear you may have is measuring upholstery accurately. You may have … Read more