Black and white is always a classic color combination for a room’s design. Black denotes sophistication, efficiency, and substance. White is the color of purity, clarity, and simplicity. Further, white has a feeling of sophistication and efficiency in common with black, so the two colors are natural together.
Also, black creates a feeling of depth with negative visual space. Yet white adds a light feeling of buoyancy and purity, bringing balance. The far left chair in the photo above shows how well a predominantly black background with white accents makes a piece with visual depth and sophistication.
Black and white are also the types of colors that go well with anything. The photo above shows how well black abstract patterns go with colors as bright as salmon pink. The chair to the left also shows how well black and white abstract fabric patterns can work as outer accents on a chair. They’d also go great on the front of chair backs or as cushions when paired with a white or black solid fabric.
Below are several of our black-and-white abstract patterns that are similar in nature to the chair in the photo above. These were chosen for their black background with white accenting. Otherwise, you can browse black-and-white patterns here.
Contemporary Cotton Upholstery