3 Easy No-Sew Blankets

how to make a no-sew blanket

Blankets are great for their versatility in home décor. You can throw them over any piece of furniture for an extra dash of color and style, yet they are highly practical when the cold months come alone. Making your blanket out of your own fabric also has endless possibilities for customization.

2 Easy No-Sew Curtains

how to make curtains

Nothing adds to the style of a room like a fresh pair of curtains. But sometimes the premade curtains don’t have the exact pattern or look you’re going for. That’s when it’s time to make your own custom curtains out of some fabric.

Making Over a Bar Stool

It’s summer, and that means there is probably a garage sale in your neighborhood every single weekend. If you’ve been looking to spruce up your bar area, why not avoid the hefty expense of brand new chairs and fix one up exactly to your own tastes?

No-Sew Canopy Beds

canopy bed fabric

Canopy beds can give any room a sense of elegance and cozy comfort. But sometimes not everyone is in a position to run out and purchase a four-poster bed. Luckily, there are several easy DIY workarounds for getting the comfy, classic look of a canopy.

Sofa Slipcover: A Quick Tutorial

If you’ve got an ugly old sofa you’re dying to get rid of, don’t be too quick. A sofa slipcover can make your couch look brand new for a fraction of the cost of going out and shopping for a new one. Slipcovers themselves can be pricey, so making your own with the exact fabric you want can cut down majorly on expense.

DIY Armchair Slipcover

armchair slipcover

A bold armchair in a striking color or design can up the ante on any room. However, luxurious armchairs can come with a price tag to match. If you’re familiar with sewing machines, you can still get the chair you want. You can create a custom armchair slipcover that suits your style, family and budget.

No-Sew Couch Covers

diy couch cover

Couch covers are a classic item in a home for good reasons. They protect your upholstery and allow you to pick a new style for your couch without buying a whole new piece of furniture. But sewing them can be a bit of a process. Luckily, you don’t need to.

Make Your Own Tufted Fabric Headboard

tufted headboard

Tufted fabric headboards lend luxury to any bedroom, but they often come with a price tag to match. Luckily, even if you’re more Buy-it-Yourself than Do-it-Yourself, there are endless headboard makeover options out there for every skill level.