Today’s color board is based on a nature photo that’s commonly floating around Pinterest. Popsugar lists the location as the Shotover River in New Zealand; they say it’s commonly mistaken for the Fairy Pools, Isle of Sky from Scotland.
The trees in this photo of the Shotover River have been digitally altered to be purple, so this photo is more fantasy than reality. But the color palette in this photo is a gorgeous combination of soothing blues, purples, and grays. It goes to show how a little bit of digital wizardry can inspire some gorgeous color palettes.
Below is a digital color board to help inspire you to include some of these beautiful colors in your own décor. From appropriately colored fabric selections to décor items, it’s easy to transfer the whimsical feel of this picture into any room. It would especially be wonderful for a relaxing bedroom or reading room. The first photo is a clever take on finding colored décor: you can order books in certain colors by the foot.

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Take the Shotover River in Your Interior Design
The Shotover River is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It offers light blue waters with rich neutrals from the rocks. Even though the purple trees were digitally altered, the colors still make an exceptional addition to this color board.
If you want this look, you’ll need lots of fabric. Kovi Fabrics offers all these colors, and we sell our upholstery at mill prices. Plus, we always have sales. Check out our discounted fabrics.