The Difference Between Chromium and Vegetable-Tanned Leather

vegetable tanning

With the growing desire to use sustainable products that are safe for the environment, manufacturers and consumers alike are taking a closer look at how leather is made and the harmful effects the tanning industry might have on air and water quality. There is much discussion, as well as confusion, about the differences between chromium and vegetable tanned leather, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Navigating Your Leather Upholstery Project Like A Boss!

leather upholstery

While KOVI is thrilled to offer a range of affordable offerings to choose from amongst our 150+ leather options, we know that there’s still a sense of leather being more of an investment than some other upholstery. So let’s do a quick review of what we love — and are sure you’ll love — about leather!

Your New Favorite Things About Leather

genuine leather

Let’s talk some more about leather. Easily one of the most misunderstood of upholstery options. For too many folks leather seems to be both intimidating and alluring. But what’s the real story? Is leather durable or fragile? How does it fare over time? And what about for people with allergies? At the end of the day, is it right for you? Or ripe with problems?